Saturday, June 10, 2006

ADHD Trials and Triumphs

Too many people think an ADHD diagnosis is the end. No hope except for drugs that totally distort your perception of the world. Drugs that turn children into rail-thin zombies.

My dictionary defines TRIAL as
  1. The examination before a court of law

  2. The act of testing or proving by experience or use

  3. The state of being tried or tested by suffering

  4. Experimental treatment or action performed to determine a result to learn by trial and error

  5. An experience, person, or thing that puts strength, patience, or faith to the test
If you change 1. to examination by a physician then you have a pretty good description of ADHD using these definitions.

Now lets try TRIUMPHS
  1. To win a victory or be victorious

  2. To be successful

  3. To rejoice over a victory

  4. To celebrate

  5. To conquer
Anything you do, no matter how small, that contributes to living a normal life is a triumph and should be celebrated.

The opinions expressed in this blog are mine. I am not a doctor. I am not here to diagnosis whether or not you have ADD or ADHD. I will tell you what helps me and my family. I invite you to contribute your 2 cents worth.


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